Are we accredited?
- Caversham Institute is registered with the South African qualifications Authority (SAQA) and quality assured by the ETDP SETA.
- SAQA Qualification number is 23117 https://regqs.saqa.org.za/viewQualification.php?id=64649.
- Is at NQF Level 5 – (post matric and pre-degree) .
- Worth 134 credits 14 more credits than the minimum requirement of 120 credits for the Higher Certificate : Early Childhood Development.
- A full Qualification that includes fundamental (academic) core (compulsory) and elective (specialised) unit standards (?link to FAQ – explain).

What levels we offer
Caversham Institute offers the Level 5 (L5) National Diploma: Early Childhood Development (No 23118).
ECD professional Development Short Courses.
This Qualification provides graduates with
- The knowledge and practical skills to facilitate the holistic development of young children (from BIRTH to 5 years) including those with special needs.
- Implement, assess and evaluate the NCF curriculum to young children from BIRTH to 4 years) in any setting (ECD centres, at home and in schools).
- An in-depth knowledge of the pre-Grade R child and the National Curriculum Framework (NCF) Birth to 4 (link) https://www.education.gov.za/Curriculum/NationalCurriculumFrameworkforChildrenfromBirthtoFour.aspx.
- Confidence and professionalization in the field of ECD.
Entry requirements
Requirements to register for this Qualification / What do I need to register?
Students wanting to register for the L5 National Diploma 23118 offered by Caversham Institute are required to:
- have matric, or
- have an NQF level 4 National Certificate in ECD, or
- qualify for matric exemption, and
- be teaching in or have on-going access to an ECD or Grade R class.
This qualification is offered over 3 years, in-service PART TIME – to meet the need to work and study with minimum negative impact on personal / family time and finances.
Our contact classes are offered
- Every second Saturday morning from February until November according to a set timetable.
- 17 / 18 Saturdays in a year.
- During term times – no classes during school holiday periods or public holidays.
Our on-line, hybrid study mode
A combination of Google Classroom, emailed student material, mandatory Zoom “contact” sessions every second week (usually in the evening) and supported by WhatsApp groups.
All sessions are consolidated with a written assignment and implementation of knowledge and skills through workplace experience.
Individual students are the key focus so each session is structured with time to:
- Reflect and develop personal and professional insight.
- Listen and share ideas collaboratively.
- Learn through well-structured lectures presented by experienced experts in ECD and supported with visual examples and videos.
- Build a portfolio of notes on all aspects of ECD.
- Engage in practical creative activities, debates, role plays .
- Apply the session content to ECD practice through relevant assignments .
- Gain additional support through WhatsApp groups.
How much does this Qualification cost? / What are the fees?
Year 1: Fees are payable in 10 monthly instalments or as an advance annual payment with a discount.
Year 2: Fees are payable in 10 monthly instalments or as an advance annual payment with a discount.
Fees are determined each year in advance by no later than October of the previous year.
Fees may increase each year according to circumstances.
Current fees can be found on the current Registration form.
- CEI has submitted and is approved to offer the ECD qualification in an integrated manner where the specific outcomes and assessment standards for each unit Standard are combined into relevant modules/workshops consolidated by an assignment.
- Each assignment is aligned to selected Specific Outcomes and Assessment Standards and these are recorded on the cover page of the assignment.
- At the completion of each course a Summative (overall) report is completed and a file (portfolio) is submitted for accreditation.
- This file is then moderated and the verified by the ETDP SETA.
- The credits are recorded and stored on the National Data Base (AIMS).
- These credits are permanent!
How and when do I attend?
- Attend all 32 workshop sessions. A minimum of 80% attendance is mandatory, contact or Zoom.
- Submit all 32 written assignments, complete all tasks and obtain at least a satisfactory score.
- Be assessed by an accredited assessor for teaching practice in an ECD setting.
Where we are based?
Caversham Institute is currently able to provide contact classes in the following geographical areas, dependent on final registration numbers.
Durban Berea
Durban Highways
Port Shepstone
Western Cape Online
Cape Town Northern Suburbs
Cape Town Southern Suburbs
Somerset West
Online / Hybrid
How do I register?
- Complete the form and submit the required certified documents
- Application check by admin office
- Reviewed by selection committee
- Offer letter sent via portal
- Once applicants have accepted the offer letter, they will be issued with an addendum which needs to be completed and uploaded together with either proof of payment or Bursary Office approval notice (bursary slip) via the Application Portal.
- On acceptance of offer letter, the Bursary Office will contact the applicants who indicated in their application that they are
applying for a bursary. The Bursary Office will explain the process to be followed and documents required.
These documents will be checked and verified after which admission will be approved. - Students will receive a notification that admission has been approved. This notice will also contain their student number and password to access the Student Portal.
- The Student Portal will enable the student to access academic, financial and biographical information.
What does this qualification enable you to do?
- Teach young children from birth to five, babies, toddlers, Grade RRR and Grade RR
- Assist in a Grade R class
- Open your own preschool
New students – what do we need to bring?
This is what makes CEI unique!
We are committed to providing:
- Individual care and attention
- Recognizing your prior knowledge, skills, abilities and unique context
- Covering the content in engaging, relevant ways with practical examples through demonstration videos and photographs
- Workshop Tools to consolidate and record discussions and provide evidence that students have engaged in these activities and ensure variety, interest and the most conducive environment to maximize learning
- Space and time and WhatsApp groups for questions and engaging the collective wisdom of other students
- Time after the workshop session to answer questions
- Second language support and mentoring
- Access to the lecturer and Head Office
CEI prides itself in the excellence of materials and to ensure no discrimination all learners will be provided with quality files for both notes and portfolios of evidence.
Every learning centre will be equipped with the materials and equipment required to ensure quality delivery. This includes data projectors, lap tops, flip chart stands and paper, writing equipment and any other materials as required. Our biggest resource is our facilitators and one of the most important characteristics is generosity of spirit and a passion for passing on knowledge and skills to others. There is an ‘open door’ policy where facilitators and Head Office are available for support of learners.